Political Climate of Don Bosco’s Day

PDF – DB Study Guide – February 2012 This issue looks at stages of Don Bosco’s lived experience, his view of the Vow of Obedience, & Important political figures in Don Bosco’s times.

For the late Fr. Michael Ribotta, and investigation into the figure of Don Bosco would be incomplete without a thorough understanding of the history of europe in the ages in which Don Bosco lived. Particularly significant for Fr. Michael was the context and the content of the Risorgimento in the Italian regions fighting for independence and unification.

To know the mind of Don Bosco requires a knowledge of the major political figures and forces of his era. Such a knowledge reveals the strategizing and wisdom of Don Bosco as an educator who was both a political pariah for some and a saint for others. this year of study offers us an opportunity to study the finer details of this rich period of history. For your consideration, two historical studies are most helpful…

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