Tag: accompaniment
Keep Your Hand Off the Self-Destruct Button
-Fr. John Roche, SDB Have you ever gotten close to a victory and then stopped trying? Have you ever prepared long and hard for a special test only to skip the test or fail miserably? I think there are moments in all of our lives when we nearly reach a summit only to stumble at…
Don Bosco’s Mentors and Spiritual Friends
PDF – DB Study Guide – November 2011 Don Bosco’s Mentor’s and Spiritual Friends Befriending the interior life …We turn our attention to the special and formative relationship with Luigi Comollo, Don Bosco’s closest school-time friend. It is no small detail that Saint John Bosco would enshine the friendship he shared with luigi Comollo in one of…
Don Bosco’s History
PDF – DB Study Guide – October 2011 This first study guide revisits Don Bosco’s story, as well as focus’ on his personal experience of accompaniment. The sources we have are amazing! The saint is so close to our own history that we have the richness of his own words, a plethora of eye-witnesses, chroniclers of many…