PDF – DB Study Guide – October 2011 This first study guide revisits Don Bosco’s story, as well as focus’ on his personal experience of accompaniment.

The sources we have are amazing! The saint is so close to our own history that we have the richness of his own words, a plethora of eye-witnesses, chroniclers of many important moments in the life and mission of the Founder, and so much more! We have his own words enshrined beautifully and succinctly in The Memoirs of the Oratory. We have more than 20 volumes of material gathered by

various chroniclers who lived and witnessed Don Bosco’s way of living and praying and acting on behalf of the

young. We have the tremendous work of Fr. Arthur Lenti recently published in full in seven volumes. This historical,

critical study of Don Bosco as Founder and Builder has become one of the most important resources for our study to date…

open the PDF to read more.