Author: admin
Gaudete! Joyful Saint Quotes
This Gaudete Sunday, the third Sunday of Advent, take some time to reflect on these quotes from Saints who have lived exemplary lives of Christian joy. Which one is your favorite? Do you have others to add? Teresa of Avila, Philip Neri, Bonaventure, Francis of Assisi, Dominic Savio, Paul of the Cross, Théophane Vénard, Clare…
Equation for Safe Formation in a Young Person’s Life
-Fr. John Roche, SDB Many times in my career as an educator I have been shocked by what a parent or teacher would permit for their children. Pushing young girls to be “sexy and attractive” long before they understand such things; openly providing condoms for their dating teens; allowing them to watch certain programs or…
An Advocate for the Young
-Fr. John Roche, SDB For this month of January, I will step out of the role of columnist and proudly express my Salesian identity. This is the month the Church remembers St. John Bosco, the Father and Teacher of the young. This marvelous saint is the founder of my order, the Salesians of Don Bosco,…